First Place
Mike Raber & LaVon Raber
2 Day Total 43.93

Second Place
Bill Mathews & Kris Iodice
2 Day Total 41.54

Str8-Up Mounts $1000 Winner
Mike Raber & LaVon Raber

Registration - Thursday 3:15 - 5:00pm
Weigh-in is also same spot as registration
Boat Check Friday and Saturday morning starting at 6:00am - Follow the red path. After boat check, launch boat and tie off to wall.
2023 Tournament of Champions Information
Lake Saint Clair offers many places to stay, that are fisherman friendly to accommodate boats.
Tournament Information
1.) Pre-Tournament registration will be on Thursday, Sept. 28 from 3:15PM - 4:30PM, no need to wait until 4:30pm - there will not be any meeting, register and go!!!
(Must be off the water by 3:00PM on Thursday Sept. 28)
This is mandatory - This is where you will register, fill out official entry and be given a written copy of the rules and your pie plate.
(Location of meeting - Selfridge Ramp, at trailer - Launch Site)
2.) Entry Fee: $260.00 on-line. (Deadline to pay on-line September 25) - Link is at the top of every page.
3.) PRE-TOURNAMENT PRACTICE FOR TOC: Championship Week starts Sunday Sept. 24th. Starting September 3rd through Tournament Week NO GUIDES can be used. Guides are permitted prior to September 3rd. Due to other Championships and BFL Super Tournaments
there will not be any off-limits.
4.) Must fish a minimum of 5 qualifying events, doesn't have to be all from the same Division.
Open tournaments count towards the 5 qualifying events, must be a member of Stars and Stripes.
5.) Launch site and weigh-in will be at the Selfridge Ramp.
Additional Information
1.) Must be a member of Stars and Stripes (Just fishing open tournaments doesn't qualify)
$12,000.00 to the Championship winner (Based on 800 total entries throughout the season).
2.) Our Goal is to be able to increase the $12,000.00 for first place as well as increase the
amounts paid out from 2nd place on down each season.
Additional Awards given out at the Championship will be
1.) Highest finishing team with a Str8-Up Mount on boat - $1000.00
2.) Angler of the Year award (Cash prize $500.00 and 2 plaques)
3.) Highest finishing team with a Veteran, Policeman, or Fireman (Cash prize based on number of entries and 2 plaques)
4.) Highest finishing CO-ED team. (Cash Prize based on number of entries)
5.) Highest finishing team with a youth (Under 18 by March 1st of that year)(Cash prize based on number of entries.
6.) Oldest Angler - $50.00
7.) Highest finishing Director team (Cash Prize based on number of entries)
8.) Smallest 5 fish limit each day (Cash Prize based on number of entries)
9.) Second place and third place will also receive plaques.
10.) Several teams that DO NOT CASH (PLACE) in the tournament will be randomly drawn to win $50.00 (How many teams is based on number of entries)
11.) Turning Point Propellers has donated a prop to be given away.
12.) Rowdy Buzz Lures has donated many buzzbaits.
13.) Power-Pole has donated items to be given away.
14.) Midwest Synthetics has donated several items and all members receive 30% off all products.
15.) Str8-Up Mounts is paying $1000.00 to the highest finishing team with a Str8-Up Mount.
16.) NWI Tournament Baits is donating baits to be given away.
17.) Plus other prizes and awards!!!