2019 Division 16 Mazonia
Fish and Wildlife Area
Entry Fee
*Includes 1st & 2nd Big Bass
5 Qualifying Events - 1 Open Event
Divisional Championship 145% Payback
Tournament of Champions 180% Payback
For Information Contact:
Stan Zatorski (219) 512-6581
The Tournament Scheduled For May 4th Has Been Postponed Due to High Water. Make Up Date will be scheduled and posted on the website in the near future.
Schedule of Events
Date Ramp Location Time
April 7 North Gate Entrance Mazonia FWA, Gardner IL 6:30am
May 4 North Gate Entrance Mazonia FWA, Gardner IL 6:30am
Postponed Due To High Water
June 1 North Gate Entrance Mazonia FWA, Gardner IL 6:30am
July 6 North Gate Entrance Mazonia FWA, Gardner IL 6:30am
August 3 North Gate Entrance Mazonia FWA, Gardner IL 6:30am
Sept. 7 North Gate Entrance Mazonia FWA, Gardner IL 6:30am
(Open Tournament - No Membership Necessary- Point Awarded)
Sept. 21 North Gait Entrance Mazonia FWA , Gardner IL 6:30am
(Divisional Championship)