Next Tournament
September 9th
Lake Erie Qualifying Event
Entry Fee $140
Membership $40 per Man
Special Notice:
Due to circumstances beyond our control, we are making some needed changes to the Anglers Dream 2018 Lake Erie Division 14. Our September 9th tournament is still on track. We are canceling the tournaments on the 22,and 23 of September and will have an additional tournament on the 16th of September. If you are short on points for the Tournament of Champions, you can pay an extra $20 at the September 16th tournament and receive double points. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused, but we hope this will allow everyone to get the required tournaments and points to attend the championship. Thank you for you continued support and understanding.
Larry Martz
2018 Division 14 Lake Erie
Entry Fee
*Includes 1st & 2nd Big Bass
75% Payback at the Ramp
Tournament of Champions 180% Payback
Larry Martz (765) 669-3008
Mazurik Boat Ramp Address
8957 N. Shore Blvd, Lakeside Marblehead, OH.
Schedule of Events
July 1 Mazurik Boat Ramp Marblehead Peninsula, Ohio First Safe Light
Open Tournament - No Membership Necessary - Points will be Awarded to Anglers Dream Members
July 15 Mazurik Boat Ramp Marblehead Peninsula, Ohio First Safe Light
July 28 Mazurik Boat Ramp Marblehead Peninsula, Ohio First Safe Light
August 26 Mazurik Boat Ramp Marblehead Peninsula, Ohio First Safe Light
Postponed Due To Unsafe Conditions (High Wind) Make Up Date September 23
September 9 Mazurik Boat Ramp Marblehead Peninsula, Ohio First Safe Light
September 16 Mazurik Boat Ramp Marblehead Peninsula, Ohio First Safe Light
Teams needing extra points can pay an extra optional $20 to the Championship Fund for Double Points