Division 9 Lake George
Director: Jake Dammarell 219-381-0074
email: jdammarell@BFSEngr.com
Co-Director Greg Baacke 219-309-3332
email: gregbaacke@hotmail.com
Visit us on Facebook
Division 9 Divisional Champions and Anglers of the Year
Darryll Barnett and Rob Rongers
Entry Fee
Lake George Divisional Championship Qualifiers
October 1
Jake Dammarell & Greg Baacke
Rob Rongers & Darnett
Tim Matt & Jeff Stensrud
John Gaidar & Chris Johnson
Dan Schultz & Alex Lile
Robert Clark & Joe Clark
Ben Stanley & Brian Dempsey
Schedule of Events
Date Ramp Location Time
April 30 Jerry Pavese Park Ramp Hobart, IN First Safe Light
May 28 Jerry Pavese Park Ramp Hobart, IN First Safe Light
June 18 Jerry Pavese Park Ramp Hobart, IN First Safe Light
July 9 Jerry Pavese Park Ramp Hobart, IN First Safe Light
Aug. 20 Jerry Pavese Park Ramp Hobart, IN First Safe Light
Tournament Postponed due to unsafe conditions make up date Sept. 3
Sept. 17 Jerry Pavese Park Ramp Hobart, IN First Safe Light
Oct. 1 Jerry Pavese Park Ramp Hobart, IN First Safe Light
(Divisional Championship)
Sept. 3 Jerry Pavese Park Ramp Hobart, IN First Safe Light
(Make Up For August 20)
Notice: There is a five day off limits to all competitors prior to any of these events.